Sunday, November 15, 2009


Type thoughts

Could be fun to knock title out of a shadow/silhouette...

Can you still read the word or does it become something else?


Animal sketches

Frog sketches

Model Drawing

Class in Soho- open drawing.

Sketching on the Train

Thursday, August 20, 2009

thread sketch

more sketches

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Penguin Tailors continued

My walrus man. I saw an enormous man being fitted for a belt in Chinatown. He had a mustache like a walrus and a quite a hefty girth. I wish he twisted the tips of his mustache while he peeled away dollar bills from his folded wad of cash...

Penguin Tailors continued

Penguin Tailors

A new set of characters for my story...

a Trickster


Professor and Cat

This would be a nice silhouette...

Doodles from sketchbook

sketches from my commute

Here's what I've been up to... sketches

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sketches for My Father's Dragon

Pencil and ink drawing.

Illustrations for My Father's Dragon

Ink with brush and pen

Pen and ink

Based on the children's book "My Father's Dragon"

Illustrations for the Irish legend of the Seal Mother

Brush and ink wash

Ink wash sketch

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chairman Mao

Drawing my tripod kitty snooze on the couch last weekend. It was one of those days.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
